May 30, 2011

Free Unlimited Anonymous SMS India

Fake Annoymous SMSHere is another coolest Trick to Send Free Anonymous SMS in India for Free and its really Unlimited. So what's the trick you juts have to
go to a website which is listed below and then you have to enter your Victims Number than the Message and some security reasons so that there is no abuse there is a captacha entry which you have to put and than juts hit Send that’s it the speed of sending sms is also good and its really great so follow the below steps to have some FUN with your Friends.
Follow the Below Steps to Fake out Your Friends .:
1. Go to
2. Enter your Victims Number and the Message
3. After clicking Send you will be greeted with a small security captcha code.
4. Enter the Code and Click Agree to Terms. ( Just for the abusive purpose )
Any Problems sending this Fake SMS do Comment so that I can take care of that stuff


  1. sanjeet kapoor.... i find u in ludhiana at pscw... a no. one haker.. isnt it

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